Friday, February 20, 2009

The National Review picked the 25 Best Conservative Movies of the Last 25 Years. It's a good list, if you're into that sort of thing. I'm not sure what makes a movie "conservative" but NR readers submitted their favorites and there it is. I was surprised by some of the entries, but I suppose a conservative argument could be made for all of them. Of note: Brazil, which I consider a cinematic masterpiece, is on there at #22 (Terry Gilliam, its director, is an America-hating commie) and Forrest Gump is at #4 (don't get me started.) Also was pleased to see The Incredibles on there, which I still hold as one of the best films of the past few years. I've seen about 20 of the 25 and they're all worth watching again. Looking forward to catching the others (except Forrest Gump. I'm done with that.)

Sick of bad news? ME TOO! VFTW pointed out this radio station that is committed to reporting only the good news, and God bless them for it. "The national employment rate is nearly 93 percent!" Can't help but smile. I kinda wish they had a feed that I could post in the sidebar. Perhaps they thought of it. Perhaps there's not enough content.

Here's a happy piece. It's my church! A couple weeks ago everyone ditched church to help out around the county. 1500 people at 60 different sites, doing everything from picking up trash in the marshlands to feeding the hungry to repairing shelters to writing letters to soldiers. I would love to have just been visiting the church that Sunday, to find it totally empty -I think I would have joined on the spot! What is it that's so despicable about "organized religion"? I suppose one would prefer "disorganized religion"? These things are difficult to pull off!

SO, I currently have a crying baby in my lap and am typing this with one hand. The Little Ditchman has found the instrument box and is banging away. Woke up to my wife asking me, "Why didn't you tell me we were all out of coffee?" And it looks like I'm going to be late for work.

Have a sound weekend.
