I choose to truly love you
With kindness, faithfulness, and respect
Through every circumstance life may bring.
As we together face the coming days of joy and sorrow
Sickness and health
Poverty and wealth
It will be my joy to support, comfort and encourage you.
When I do wrong I will confess
When I have been wronged I will forgive
When conflict dims our days I will exercise the patience of true love.
I will be the guardian of your solitude.
I will honor your unique gifts.
I will provide you with inspiration.
I will give you safety with my affection.
I will journey alongside you through the adventure of life.
You forever have my attention.
I will provide you hope,
Christ will guide our passion.
I will rejoice and thank God for the gift of you
And through His Infinite Grace
No matter what may come
I will remain by your side
With enduring devotion
Till death do us part.
I love you truly, Marci.
I'm a lucky man, five years running.